Nearest underground | Hounslow East |
Nearest train station | Teddington |
Nearest road link | M3 jnct 1 |
Nearest airport | Heathrow |
Total number of workstations | 100 |
From £279 per person per month
The business space offers office solutions in a professional and affordable environment. The office spaces are highly functional, stylish, modern, ...
600 yards away
From £235 per person per month
Flexible office and hot desking space at Causeway House in Teddington
600 yards away
From £200 per person per month
This a modern prestigious two-storey office block. The 8 offices at are designed to accommodate between 2 and 4 people. Each office is decorated to...
0.55 miles away
From £150 per person per month
Serviced office space in various sizes at Ash House Business Centre in Twickenham
0.96 miles away
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Wednesday 27th October 2010
Plans have been approved to replace an old office block in Teddington with a Travelodge and a new smaller office building. The existing six-storey ...