Nearest underground | Heathrow Terminalsl 1,2,3 |
Nearest train station | West Drayton |
Nearest road link | M4 jnct 4a |
Nearest airport | Heathrow Airport |
Total number of workstations | 462 |
From £350 per person per month
The Lodge and Annex have just been newly refurbished and lend themselves to occupiers who need small, medium or large offices with 24 hour access. ...
0.60 miles away
From £350 per person per month
This centre consists of 24,000 square feet of prime, Grade A space. This modern, flexible environment comes fully furnished and boasts relaxing bre...
2.45 miles away
From £209 per person per month
This building is a wonderland for all things digital – providing an ever-expanding hub of creatives with never-ending networking opportunities. T...
2.71 miles away
From £229 per person per month
Centurion House is a business centre just off Staines High Street in an old bus depot
3.29 miles away
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Monday 21st April 2014
Box Hill, Surrey Surrey in the south of England is a beautiful county, with rolling hilly countryside, chocolate box villages and market towns. I...
Thursday 14th October 2010
We are in tough economic times, nasals Lord Sugar, accompanied by the thundering strains of Prokofievs Romeo and Juliet. This, however, is the t...